B Dog & B Mile at Donnacona

En janvier dernier j’ai fait un petit road trip à Donnacona. J’avais reçu une invitation de la part de Phil Casabon et d’Emile Bergeron pour photographier le tournage ESPN “Real Ski Segment” de Phil.

Last January, my Buddy Charles Mercier and I took a little road trip to Donnacona. Phil Casabon and Emile Bergeron had invited us to go shoot a crazy set up they were going to film the next day

Phil was filming with Brady Perron and Paul Bergeron for his ESPN Real Ski segment. It was a humid and cold ass day, minus 20c plus wind factor. We were on the shore of the St-Laurence river, and they had somewhat of a sketchy set up. 

As usual, the guys threw down some gnarly tricks…

Check out Phil’s Real Ski 2019 video for which he won Gold;

Emile also released an edit called The Big Batch, featuring some actual film footage. Excited to be shooting him this season for his Real Ski 2020 segment.

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